
Covington Arts

Belly dancing & ‘bundles’

COVINGTON, Ky. – The odds of you wanting to leave your house this weekend are slim. We get it. We’d just as soon stay put too. Make a fire, grab a book, drink hot chocolate, or warm up with bourbon. But … we have a job to do, and that job is to inform you of the always cool, wonderful, entertaining, tasty, and just plain overall worthwhile things to do in The Cov, come wee...

Trivia, tunes & Tagalongs®

COVINGTON, Ky. – Why is January soooo long? And cold? And gray? And why does Mercury have to be retrograde now? Ugh. (Insert “woe is me” emoji here). Enough. Time to get out and enjoy the (last) weekend of this seemingly endless month (finally). If cookie and beer pairings can’t jolt us out of winter doldrums, then what on earth possibly can? Perhaps a classic stor...

Kitty Curio & Montana Banana

COVINGTON, Ky. – The holiday tree is dropping needles, the mulled wine is gone, Omicron is exploding, the air is bitter, and a little bit of snow is falling (and not the snowman-building kind, just the pain-in-the-broken-wrist kind) … Fortunately, we have two things going for us: One, the Snow and Ice Team out at Public Works is about the best there is when it comes to keeping C...

Blue(s) Christmas & cheer

COVINGTON, Ky. – We know there’s a lot more going on in The Cov this weekend than what we’ve listed here. We also know that most of the best things that are happening are likely taking place in the comfort of your home as you celebrate the holidays. But in case you’d like to get out and about and partake in some neighborhood cheer before the stockings are emptied and the...

‘Ugly’ sweaters, reindeer games & BJJ

COVINGTON, Ky. – It’s that wonderful time of the year: Christmas carols, spiked eggnog, twinkling lights … and invites to parties that require – no, DEMAND – that you wear the ugliest sweater in your closet. And if by chance you have more than one ugly sweater, why not wear them to all the cool events going on in The Cov this weekend? There’s … a h...

Soup, hops & holiday shopping

COVINGTON, Ky. – The first snow has fallen (… and has been cleaned up – “thank you” to Covington Public Works crews for those safe streets), and it officially feels like the holidays are upon us. So, this weekend, how about cozying up with friends for some homemade soup for a good cause at Lil’s Bagels? Or grab your gift list and head to Latonia (where ...

Cows, ballerinas & imperial stout

COVINGTON, Ky. – If a holiday event featuring cows isn’t enough to herald the start of the festive season that is upon us, then maybe striking a pose with an alpaca will do the trick. There’s also plenty of opportunities to make progress on your holiday shopping. (Supply chain woes? What supply chain woes? #shoplocal). And once you’ve checked a few gifts off your list...

Shop local & dulcimers

COVINGTON, Ky. – This week’s Weekend in #LoveTheCov comes to you a day early on what many know as the busiest bar night of the year (while others know it as the day when they rarely leave their kitchen, busy with prepping for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving meal). To each his own. All that really matters is that your holiday is a good one. Once you’ve finished your feast, ...

Owls & pre-holiday peace

COVINGTON, Ky. – It seems fitting that we can find some creative and calming things to do the weekend before we dive deep into the holiday season next week. Hanging out with native owls sounds like a good way to spend a Saturday, right? Or how about helping kids paint a crosswalk street mural (or just watching them do their magic)? Spend a day hiking or help maintain a trail. Solve a m...

Beer miles & train tracks

COVINGTON, Ky. – With City Hall and other offices closed for Veterans Day on Thursday, we’re putting out our narrative weekend events calendar a day early. You should be glad we are, because there’s a lot of cool stuff going on in The Cov. Feel like an easy, laidback weekend to you? Then how about a workshop where you can make your own journal … or incense? Feeling b...
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