COVINGTON, Ky. – ‘Tis the weekend to shop for local-made gifts, create poinsettias that won’t kill your cat, catch a holiday cabaret, gather at a block party, snap a photo with Krampus, and a whole lot more.
Fine art and a holiday demon
Tonight’s Sip & Shop at the Baker Hunt Art & Cultural Center features more than 30 vendors selling their handcrafted and fine...
COVINGTON, Ky. – Madison Avenue will be closed between Seventh and Eighth streets on Thursday so a crane can deliver building materials to a roof.
The closure will last from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The northern end of the block, closer to Seventh Street, will have limited access to businesses and parking, while parking will be prohibited in the work zone in front of 726 Madison.
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COVINGTON, Ky. – The Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson fiasco is mercifully over, most deer hunters are home from the woods, and the Bengals are running out of hope. But keep the faith: High school basketball is about to kick off (Covington schools have won state champions in both girls and boys hoops in the last 15 years), and Thursday – tomorrow – is Thanksgiving.
Assuming your belly...
Last year, 625 pounds of non-working lights were collected in Covington alone. The chart shows last year’s regionwide totals.
Four drop-off locations open Monday with goal of topping last year’s 625 pounds
COVINGTON, Ky. – Last year, your holiday lights glowed with holiday cheer. This year, the bulbs are dark, dull, and dead.
But rather than toss your non-work...
COVINGTON, Ky. – “Happy Thanksgiving” two days early from the City of Covington – 83 years after President (Franklin D.) Roosevelt signed a joint resolution of Congress officially and formally affixing a permanent date to the national holiday, that being “the “fourth Thursday in November.”
As to when the very first day of thanksgiving was celebrated in ...
Covington Transfer Station to close early Thursday
COVINGTON, Ky. – If your trash and recycling is regularly collected on Thursday or Friday, go ahead and set your carts out: the City of Covington will follow its regular schedule through the Thanksgiving holiday, with no delays or interruption in service.
However, hours at the Covington Transfer Station run by Rumpke Waste & Recycl...
From left, Mayor Joe Meyer; new Officers Robert Rose, Lucas Mann, and Terrell Meadows; and Assistant Chief Justin Wietholter.
‘New’ officers include retired captain with 25 years’ experience
COVINGTON, Ky. – The City of Covington swore in three police officers today – two new to the career and department and one a familiar face.
In a short ceremony at City Ha...
Ordinances, policies back up The Cov’s reputation for inclusion
COVINGTON, Ky. – Covington has earned 100 points – out of a possible 100 – for the third year in a row on an index created by the nation’s largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group to measure how inclusive Covington’s laws, policies, and services are for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people ...
Legal fight won’t affect rates or service but would improve responsiveness to businesses, residents
COVINGTON, Ky. – After five years of fruitless negotiation and mediation, the City of Covington has been forced to file legal action to settle the legitimacy of Duke Energy’s claim that it enjoys the exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual right to provide electric service in Cov...
COVINGTON, Ky. – You’ll find a wide range of ways to unwind and have fun in The Cov this weekend.
That’s a good thing, considering you’ll likely spend wearisome hours in the kitchen next week preparing the perfect meal to serve your extended family, when they travel from afar to sit down at your table for the annual eating of turkey and pumpkin pie and the spewing of div...