
Leading the ‘army’ of parks volunteers

Volunteers plant the Mayor’s Monarch Coalition butterfly garden at Randolph Park, and …

New application to help City be responsive to proposed projects 

COVINGTON, Ky. - Over the years, volunteers in Covington have tackled a long list of recreation-related projects: Painting the shelters in Goebel and Randolph parks ... cutting dense thickets of Asian bush honeysuckle on the Licking River Greenway & Trail ... shoring up trails in Devou Park’s “backcountry” used by bikers and hikers ... picking up trash along the Ohio and Licking rivers ... and planting bushes to attract Monarch butterflies as part of a national initiative.
In short, the city’s 900 acres of green space - located in 40 parks and playgrounds - have a lot of friends willing to commit time, ideas, and energy to improving them.
To better tap into those efforts - while channeling them in the right direction and more quickly committing resources to them - the City’s Parks & Recreation Division has created a volunteer project application and standard operating procedures.

... cut invasive brush on the Licking River Greenway & Trail, and ...

“We have a very engaged volunteer base that frequently submits ideas for community-led projects that require input, time, and resources from City staff,” said Parks & Rec Manager Rosie Santos. “This new process will help us be more consistent and strategic in how we invest in and support those ideas, while also helping us be more nimble in committing City resources to them.”
The application can be found on the City’s website HERE. Applicants can fill in the blanks online, then either email the form to or print it and mail it to 20 W Pike St., Covington, KY 41011, Attn: Parks and Recreation.
Volunteer efforts could include a wide variety of activities, from self-directed activities like picking up litter and watering flowers to more specialized events like painting facilities, maintaining trails, installing playground equipment, and hosting a beautification event.

... paint the facilities at Randolph Park, and ...

“Year in and year out, the largest volunteer projects with the biggest impact have been well-known events like the Great American Cleanup and River Sweep,” said Parks Project Coordinator Patrick Moore, who led the initiative. “This new policy will give the public the opportunity to do similar projects on a smaller and more focused scale that we haven’t been able to move forward with until now.”
Criteria used to evaluate projects will include funding availability, alignment with Master Plan initiatives, long-term maintenance requirements, and City staff time and resources.

... pick up litter along the Licking River.

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